
Rev Lee Chong Min
HOS Music Director & Conductor
Lee Chong Min has been the music director and conductor of the Singapore Hallelujah Oratorio Society since its inception in 1977. From 1980 to 2010, he was the music lecturer at the School of Church Music at Singapore Bible College (SBC), and the conductor of the SBC Chorale and SBC Singers. He had also been the music director and artistic director of several Christian choral societies in Asia. Currently, he is the founder and artistic director of the International Christian Choral Conductor Society.
He has made frequent appearances as guest conductor and as music lecturer in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, China, Canada, and the United States.
Lee received his early musical training in Singapore and later in London under the tutelage of Lyndon van de Pump for voice, and under George Hurst for conducting. In 1994 he studied conducting under preeminent teachers, Helmuth Rilling and Donald Neuen in U.S.A.
The wide range of repertoire which he has conductor included choral symphony, opera, major oratorios, anthems and a cappella. Some of these works include Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and Mass in B minor, Brahms’ German Requiem, Mozart’s Mass in C minor and Requiem, Haydn’s The Creation and The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross, Handel’s Messiah, Gloria and Dixit Dominus, Mendelssohn’s St. Paul, Elijah and Hymn of Praise, Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis and Vivaldi’s Dixit Dominus and Gloria, amongst others.
李忠民早年在新加坡接受音乐训练,后赴英国随Lyndon van de Pump进修声乐,与George Hurst学乐队指挥。1994年在美国随世界名指挥家Helmuth Rilling 与Donald Neuen学习合唱及乐队指挥。
李忠民指挥的广泛曲目包括歌剧、交响乐队、神曲、颂赞曲及无伴奏清唱,所指挥的作品包括巴赫之《圣马太受难曲》与《B小调弥撒曲》、布拉姆斯之《德国安魂曲》、莫札特之《安魂曲》和《C小调弥撒曲》、韩德尔之《弥赛亚》、《Dixit Dominus》与 《荣耀颂》; 海顿之《创世记》及《十字架的最后七言》、孟德尔颂之《圣保罗》、《以利亚》与《赞美颂》、贝多芬之《庄严弥撒曲》以及维瓦蒂之《Dixit Dominus》与 《荣耀颂》。

Samuel King
Conductor for Hallelujah Singers and HYC
Samuel King studied under Håvard Gimse, Kathryn Stott, and Are Sandbakken and completed his Masters of Music in Piano Performance at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, Norway in 2017. Prior to obtaining Masters, he attained his Bachelor of Music (Honours) in piano performance at the Royal College of Music in 2013, after his Diploma in Music at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 2011. Since then, he had numerous performance projects and collaborations with fine musicians in Norway and in Asia.
Although a pianist by training, his interest in choral music and choral conducting had led him to countless choral leadership opportunities. In Norway, he was invited to participate in classes and projects held by the renowned Grete Pederson, Søren Kinch Hansen and Kjetil Almenning, and simultaneously completed an additional course in choral conducting with Anne-Karin Sundal Ask. Since 2013, his passion for choral arts has led him to collaborate with ICCCS and HOS as an educator and conductor, respectively, on a regular basis in the Asian regions, teaching at choral conducting and choir workshops, music camps, and conducting performances.
Based in Singapore as a freelance musician, Samuel performs, conducts and teaches. Currently, he serves as an Adjunct Piano Lecturer at the Singapore Bible College, School of Church Music, and conducts the Hallelujah Singers, Hallelujah Youth Choir and the Gan Eng Seng Secondary School Choir.
龚久隆于2011年考获新加坡南洋艺术学院音乐文凭后,先后到英国和挪威深造,并于2013年获得英国皇家音乐学院的钢琴演奏音乐学士荣誉学位。在挪威奥斯陆进修期间,他在名师Håvard Gimse, Kathryn Stott, 以及 Are Sandbakken的指导下,继续深造钢琴演奏,于2017年获得挪威音乐学院的音乐硕士学位。从那以后,他与挪威和亚洲各地的多位优秀音乐家在许多表演项目中合作并参与演出。
尽管主修钢琴演奏,龚久隆对合唱音乐和合唱指挥也有浓厚的兴趣,并在多个场合中担任合唱指挥的角色。在挪威进修期间,他受邀参加了由著名的Grete Pederson,SørenKinch Hansen和Kjetil Almenning所举办的课程和活动项目,并同时在Anne-Karin Sundal Ask 的指导下完成了额外的合唱指挥课程。自2013年以来,基于对合唱艺术的热忱,他定期与国际基督教合唱指挥团以及哈利路亚圣乐社合作,在亚太区域所举办的合唱与音乐训练营以及音乐会中,出任音乐教育者及合唱指挥。

Zhang Tong, John
HCO Music Director & Conductor
The music director of Hallelujah Chamber Orchestra, Zhang Tong, John, has been performing and teaching cello since graduation. In 2011, he was the guest principal cellist with the Singapore National Youth Orchestra and freelance Tutti Cello with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. He then went on to be the conductor of the Kids’ Philharmonic Orchestra from 2013 to 2018. Besides playing the cello, Zhang Tong also learnt choral conducting with Reverend Lee Chong Min and trains under Solomon Chong for singing.
Born in China, Zhang Tong began cello lessons at the age of 6 under the tutelage of his father. In 2001, he entered the Music Middle School Affiliated with the Shanghai Conservatory of Music on scholarship. In 2006, he participated at the cello festival in University of Kansas (USA) in Kansas City and was offered scholarship to study at the NUS Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music with Prof Qin Li-Wei. Subsequently, he attended masterclasses and had lessons with Aldo Parisot (Professor of Music at Yale University and former member of the Juilliard School) and world renown soloist Jian Wang.
In 2021, Zhang Tong participated in the online conducting masterclass with Maestro Neeme Järvi and entered the GHEORGHE DIMA International Choral Conducting Competition (In Romania) as a semi-finalist. In 2022, he was invited to participate in the international orchestra conducting master class under Maestro Alim Shakh and conducted the concert with Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Currently, Zhang Tong is pursuing Master of Church Music in Choral Conducting at the Singapore Bible College, School of Church Music. He also conducts the Abundant Grace Presbyterian Church Choir and sings with the Hallelujah Oratorio Society and the International Christian Festival Singers.
近年来的提升受训包括:2010 年,参加在韩国所举行的音乐节 The Great Mountains International Music Festival,在音乐节期间受到耶鲁大学的Aldo Parisot 教授以及著名大提琴家王健的指导;2019 年参加由国际基督教合唱指挥团在东马所举办的合唱指挥大师班,其间受到李忠民牧师和龚玖隆老师的指导; 2021年受邀参加在罗马尼亚所举行的 Gheorghe Dima合唱指挥比赛和大师班进入半决赛。2022年接受邀请国际乐团指挥大师班,受教于指挥家Alim Shakh,并于捷克奧洛穆茨指挥摩拉维亚爱乐乐团。