Hallelujah Singers
Overview 概述
Hallelujah Singers is a group of 30 singers who has been reaching out to the local churches and Christian communities through Church Music worship services,music gospel rallies and concerts. Singers perform a wide ranging repertoire in original languages, from contemporary anthems to a cappella and standard repertoires.

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One of the choral groups under the umbrella of Hallelujah Oratorio Society (HOS), Hallelujah Singers was formed in January 2002. Acting as ambassadors of HOS, they are charged with the mission of promoting quality church music for the edification of the body of Christ.
Under the baton of Rev Lee Chong Min, Music Director of HOS, Hallelujah Singers has developed into a versatile ensemble committed to excellence in musicianship. Since 2003, the group has been reaching out to local churches and Christian communities in our neighbouring countries, enriching congregational worship through Church Music Worship services, promoting good Christian Choral music and also helping out in crucial aspects of their music ministry. From 2019, teacher Samuel King started to assist in training and conducting Hallelujah Singers.
Since 2006, Hallelujah Singers has had the opportunity to present many standard repertoire such as JS Bach’s Mass in B minor, Handel’s Dixit Dominus, Vivaldi’s Gloria and Dixit Dominus, Mendelssohn’s Saint Paul and Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross.
In 2014, Hallelujah Singers was invited to give a public performance at the Esplanade Concourse, singing Christian choral songs at the Tapestry of Sacred Music, organized by The Esplanade. Hallelujah Singers celebrated its 15th anniversary in August 2017 with a concert Many Gifts, One Spirit, performing Christian a cappella tunes and anthems in English and Latin, under the direction of guest conductor Wong Lai Foon. Conductors whom the group has performed with include teachers Samuel King and Gan Kai Ze.
从2006年起,圣歌团经常参与音乐会演唱经典圣乐作品,曲目包括巴哈的B小调弥撒曲 、韩德尔的Dixit Dominus 、维瓦蒂之《荣耀颂》 、Dixit Dominus 、孟德尔颂之《圣保罗》及海顿之《救主在十字架上的七言》。
2014年,圣歌团荣幸受邀于新加坡滨海艺术中心所举办的“圣乐节”(Tapestry of Sacred Music)。
2017年8月,哈利路亚圣歌团庆祝15周年,举办了一场音乐会 Many Gifts, One Spirit,以英文及拉丁文演唱无伴奏诗歌以及钢琴伴奏的颂赞曲目,由Wong Lai Foon担任客卿指挥。近年来,圣歌团也在指龚久隆老师以及颜凯泽老师的教导与指挥之下受益。